Saturday, March 17, 2012

Buying Hastings Real Estate

Many people thinking about relocating to the Hawk?s Bay area are taking hard looks at the Hastings real estate market. Hastings and its ?Twin City? of Napier is well know for their Art Deco architecture. Most of the great buildings of this type were built after the 1931 earth quake that devastated the area. Both Hastings and Napier has some of the most photographed Art Deco real estate in the country.

There is a large tourist trade in the area that is also bringing in real estate investors. The Blossom Parade held on the Harvest Hawke?s Bay weekend together with many large scale events and concerts that are held at local wineries brings in New Zealand locals as well as tourists from all over the world. Some of the outdoor activities include mountain biking, golf, tramping and various water activities held at the beaches and river locations.

One of Hawke?s Bay?s largest amusement park include a water park called ?Splash Planet?. The popularity of this single attraction has visitors from all over New Zealand coming to visit this area. It is just one among many amusement park attractions that is bringing in tourists from countries all over the world.

The tourist industry is causing many investors to start looking at Hastings houses for sale to be used as rental income property. The more local New Zealand visitors prefer renting a house, short term, while visiting for vacations. Smart investors are starting to take advantage of this preference and are even offering local house rentals in their advertising for tourists considering visiting this popular area.

The investors are competing with people that are looking at Hastings homes for sale to live in. People working in other areas of New Zealand are choosing to buy in Hastings for their retirement. It isn?t uncommon for those that want to retire in Hastings to buy one or more houses in the area. They use them in income producing property until they retire. They then move into one of the homes and use the others as a continuing source of passive income in their retirement. This has been a popular retirement investment idea for awhile and many of these investors are buying now to avoid the higher prices that the area will be demanding in the future.

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