Saturday, April 21, 2012

Brain cancer, suicide attempt survivor hopes to win Olympic gold ...

Brain cancer, suicide attempt survivor hopes to win Olympic gold


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19-year-old Monique Newton survived brain cancer and a suicide attempt. She now hopes to get the Olympic gold in power lifting after winning the second world championship in Latvia

Nineteen-year-old Monique Newton has been close to death twice. She survived brain cancer as a child and an attempted overdose when she was 15 years old. This British teenager has gone on to becoming a world champion power lifter and has hopes of winning the Olympic gold. Newton can lift up to three times her body weight. The Daily Mail reports:

A teenage girl who has twice been on the brink of death has overcome her troubled past to become one of Britain?s Olympic hopes.

Monique Newton, 19, battled brain cancer when she was a child, then went on to survive an attempted overdose at the age of 15.

Now the London-born athlete has triumphed over adversity to become a world champion power-lifter and is tipped for success at this summer?s Olympic Games.

At just 48kg (7st 8lb), the petite teenager, who can currently seen on billboards as part of Adidas? ?London ? take the stage? campaign, can lift the equivalent of three times her body weight above her head.

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